Companies all over the world are using the cloud to lower expenses, improve flexibility, and implement vital applications. From basic programming to hosting resource-intensive apps, the MTS cloud environment expands with you. Are you new to the cloud? Our knowledgeable technical team is here to assist you at every stage, offering consulting advice on the workloads and infrastructure that are most appropriate for transfer.
Public Cloud – Fully managed, enterprise-grade cloud environment provides complete redundancy for compute networking and storage. Backed by enterprise SAN, MTS VMware Public Cloud also offers secure segmentation and control.
Private Cloud – Combine the agility and scalability of a public cloud with a secure private environment powered by dedicated infrastructure customized to meet your exact security, compliance and redundancy requirements.
IaaS – Benefit from capacity on-demand, ultimate redundancy and the largest economies of scale while supporting your application, backup, storage and website requirements, all delivered with the elasticity of open source technology.
Cloud Apps – Deploy smaller apps such as WordPress, Wowza, Magento and others in minutes. Ensure seamless management and reliable, secure and scalable hosting with a true Infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud offering.